Is it Necessary to get an A/C Tune-Up?

Do you need an A/C Tune-up

You can’t imagine how many times the customer service team at Rainaldi Home Services is asked: “Is it really necessary to do a tune-up on my air conditioning unit every summer? I just had one done last year.”

We promise it’s not just another marketing ploy to increase business.

Think of it this way…

Your car’s engine gets a routine check and tune-up when you change the oil.

You go to the dentist twice a year to make sure your teeth are still healthy.

Your pet gets routine vaccinations and, with that, a regular check by the veterinarian.

Doing all these things helps you avoid a big issue down the road: Car has an oil leak and blows a rod in the engine; multiple cavities form, causing a toothache; your dog picks up a preventable disease.

So, what happens if you don’t schedule an air conditioning tune-up?

The biggest thing is that you won’t notice a problem with the system until it’s too late…and too expensive. Doing a yearly check of your unit means our technicians can pinpoint minor issues and fix them before they become big problems, thus saving you money and headache.

A tune-up doesn’t take a lot of time out of your schedule. We understand our clients live hectic lifestyles. That’s why the experts at Rainaldi strive to provide their services in an efficient but effective manner. The time it takes for an air conditioning tune-up is much less than it would take for a rather large repair.

A yearly tune-up adds years to your system’s life expectancy. There’s nothing worse than hitting the hottest days of summer here in Orlando, and your air conditioner has stopped working. It happens a lot. We want to avoid that painful phone call from our customers.

Tune-ups allow for safer air and home. A thorough check can help find any cracks within the unit that might allow carbon monoxide to leak into your home, thus creating a dangerous environment.

Energy bills will rival the thermometer when it comes to raising because an air conditioning unit that hasn’t been examined for efficiency issues will cost you more to cool your home. Dust particles and more will accumulate on the blower, causing the engine to work harder and longer. Leaks allowing hot air to seep inside can decrease the efficiency of the cooling system.

A more evenly cooled home is also the benefit of a yearly tune-up because the technician can troubleshoot why the unit isn’t functioning at total capacity and evenly cooling your home as it should.

We know money can be tight, but spending a little money now for a yearling tune-up can save you much more in the long run. We’re always running specials on our website, so be sure to check out our “Coupons” page.

It’s not too late to schedule a tune-up for your air conditioning unit. Call Orlando’s cooling experts at (407) 413-9795 to schedule a tune-up for your home today.

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